Exclamation, These 7 Tours in Banten are Fun for Long Weekend Holidays

Where are you confused about where to go? Bored with the same mall and tourist attractions? Anyer Beach, Sawarna, and Carita have become the most frequently visited places. You who live in Jakarta and Tangerang still have other options, you know!

Here antero.co has summarized the tours that can be used as a weekend location with family in Banten area!

1. Enjoy the natural beauty of the green Dano Swamp

Rawa Dano is a tourist location consisting of lakes, swamps and forests. The location is still famous for green, which makes a number of animals such as snakes and lizards still breed. Rawa Dano used to be known as a mountain, but it was inactive and eventually became a tourist location in the form of a lake.

2. Feel the life of a local Banten tribe in Baduy Village

Exclamation, These are 7 Tours in Banten that are Fun for Long Holidays WeekendBantenwisata.com
Baduy village is a tourist location that provides an opportunity for us to feel alive in this Banten native tribe environment. However, you can also just enjoy the beauty of the village by walking around the village with friends or family.

3. Relax on the island that enters the nature reserve, Pulau Dua

Exclamation, These are 7 Tours in Banten that are Fun for Long Weekendbantenprov.go.id Holidays
Often also called Bird Island, this island is located off the coast of Banten, its location is the furthest among the others. The reason is called Burung Island because in the middle of the year, a number of birds will fly to this island. They stop to lay eggs and hatch, before returning to their place of origin.

4. Travel in several locations in one area, Ujung Kulon National Park

Exciting, These are 7 Tours in Banten that are Fun for Long Holidays Weekendtriptrus.com


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This nature reserve is often heard, but have you ever really surrounded this location? This national park is famous for its rhino protection location. There are also several islands and beaches that can be visited in one area of ​​Ujung Kulon. For example, Peucang Island and Badul Island.

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5. Relax and enjoy the sunset at Bagedur Beach

Exclamation, These 7 Tours in Banten are Fun for Long Holidays WeekendTwitter.com/Jesika_MS
This island is no stranger to native Banten because it is also famous for its cleanliness and comfort. We can also enjoy the roar of the wind by the beach and relax looking at the sunset with a partner, friend, or family.

6. Bored with the beach? Invite family and friends for recreation in Kandank Jurank Doank

Exclamation, These Are 7 Tours in Banten that are Fun for Long Holidays Weekendbimbaaiueocilegong.com

Doan's words in the name of the location of this place must remind you of someone's name. Yap, Indonesian musician, Dik Doank. He dedicated this place to children's recreation, outbound activities, performing arts, and having fun with family. Located in the Ciputat area, Kandank Jurank is a favorite recreation spot for the surrounding residents.

7. Waterfall tour in Betung Waterfall

Exclamation, These are 7 Tours in Banten that are Fun for Long Holidays Weekendserangbackpacker69.com

Curug which means this waterfall is located near Carita. This one tour offers beautiful views of the waterfall. There are two types, namely small and large versions that reach 10 meters high. For large waterfalls, visitors are still not allowed to reach the summit, because the terrain is quite dangerous and close to the ravine.

Tourism in Banten will make you forget all the fatigue of the routine. Instead of going to the mall or that place, just try a new place with friends and family!

History of the Kingdom of Banten

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The First King of Banten

Prince Hasanuddin bin Syarif Hidayatullah / Sunan Gunung Jati Cirebon was the first to formulate the power and power of Banten as a stand-alone country. Prince Hasanudin was the one who wanted Banten from Demak to become an independent kingdom. While in the period (1526-1552), Banten is the vazal kingdom of Demak Sultanate.

In the building, Hasanudin emphasized the spiritual and material fields. The spiritual field was pursued by the spread of Islam from 1515 to 1552. Meanwhile, the material field was carried out by maintaining and developing existing commercial and agricultural activities and maintaining Banten's position and role as a port city.

Banten commercial route is increasingly used by merchants, especially Muslim merchants, along with the fall of Malacca into the hands of the Portuguese in 1511. When Sunan Gunung Jati still holds power over Banten, he together with Fatahillah and Prince Hasanudin succeeded in controlling the most important port of the Sunda Kingdom, namely Sunda Kalapa, in 1527 to thwart the vulnerable Portuguese effort to occupy Java, as did the Portuguese population in the Straits of Malacca and Maluku. This success is marked by the change of name Sunda Kalapa into Jayakarta. The strategic value of this event is first, Banten plays a more important role and can attract pepper trade to its port; second, Banten had foiled the Portuguese effort under the leadership of Henrique de Leme who wanted to realize the agreement with the King of Sunda.

Some areas outside Java Island namely Lampung, Bengkulu, and Selebar bordering West Sumatra successfully incorporated into the region of Banten. this is done so that Banten can control all the waters of the Sunda Strait which is very strategic for the sake of shipping and trading Banten and aims to expand the pepper garden.

Maulana Hasanuddin died in 1570 and was buried next to the Great Mosque of Banten. Maulana Hasanudin was the person who built the Surosowan Palace and was known by his people as a very wise ruler. Therefore, after his death, his people gave the posthumous title of Prince Surosowan Panembahan Sabakinking. This nickname has a philosophical meaning that Maulana Hasanudi is very wise. Sepeninggalnya (Seda / Seba / Saba) Banten people mourn and miss the wisdom. (Kinking, longing for wisdom)

The second king of Banten

Maulana Hasanuddin was later succeeded by his son Maulana Yusuf as the second Banten ruler who ruled the year 1570-1580. His works include setting up Islamic boarding schools for the syiar of Islam in Banten, during his reign built the Keraton Surasowan wall and building "tandur" and irrigation experimental fields. His current government focused on urban development, regional security, trade, agriculture, and the expansion of the Sultanate of Banten. In an effort to expand the region, the rural areas of the Sunda kingdom, including the central government (Pakuan Pajajaran), successfully occupied by troops Banten assisted by Cirebon successfully brought the Stone Coronation of Kings to Banten, namely Watu Gilang. The conquered ponggawa then diislamkan and allowed to hold his original position. Thus, the feared security disturbance coming from Pajajaran has been reduced. Maulana Yusuf can focus more on developing economic and agricultural sectors. The next process is the establishment of the boundary of power between Banten and Cirebon, the Citarum River from the estuary to the hinterland (Cianjur now).

The third time of King of Banten

After the death of Maulana Yusuf, the Sultanate of Banten was hit by a conflict over the throne. Muhammad Nasrudin as the son of Maulana Yusuf was only nine when Maulana Yusuf died. Prince Jepara feels himself more entitled to the throne of Banten because he is the younger brother of Maulana Yusuf one mother and more mature and competent than his little nephew. But the efforts of Prince Jepara successfully stopped, because the full support of the cleric to Maulana Muhammad to occupy the Banten throne even though he was not old enough. To ensure the continuity of his power, all matters of government are handled by Mangkubumi and as the ruler of Banten, Maulana Muhammad is under the guidance of a kadi (Supreme Judge).

Thus, Maulana Muhammad occupied the Banten throne in place of Maulana Yusuf who later held Kanjeng Ratu Banten Surosowan or Prince Ratu ing Banten (1580-1596). Maulana Muhammad intends to develop the business of the Sultanate of Banten by controlling the route of the voyage to and from the Malacca Strait, but before he succeeds he first dies in Palembang. After being buried in the porch of the Great Mosque of Banten, Maulana Muhammad became known as King Seda ing Palembang or Pangeran Seda ing Rana.

The Fourth of the King / Sultan of Banten to 4

After the death of Maulana Muhammad, the throne of the Sultanate of Banten was handed over to Abul Mafakhir Mahmud Abdul Kadir who was only five months old. So up to the maturity of the leadership of the Sultanate of Banten is held by the guardian of his guardian as Patih Mangkubumi Sultanate of Banten.

In January 1624, Sultan Abdul Mufakhir Mahmud Abdulkadir (1596-1651) entirely held power over the Sultanate of Banten, as he was seen as mature enough. After holding the throne of the Sultanate of Banten, the field of agriculture, shipping, and public health became the main concern of this Banten Sultan. In addition, he also managed to establish diplomatic relations with other countries, especially with Islamic countries. Sultan Abdul Mufakhir can be assertive for example he rejected the Dutch VOC's willingness to force a trade monopoly in Banten.

The VOC's desire to monopolize pepper trade is a source of conflict between Banten and the VOC. The conflict has sharpened, in line with the strengthening of the VOC position in Batavia since 1619. To realize this desire, the VOC imposed a blockade on the Banten commercial port by banning and intercepting junks from China and boats from Maluku who would trade to the port of Banten. This blockade caused the Banten port to be undeveloped, prompting the Banten people to provoke the VOC by being "pirates" in the sea and "robbers" on land. This action was responded by VOC by expedition to Tanam, Anyer, Lampung, and Banten City itself blocked many times. This situation led to a war between Banten and the VOC in November 1633. Six years later, the two sides signed a peace agreement even though for the next two decades their relationship remained tense.

In 1636, he and his crown prince, of Sharif Makkah with the authorization of the Turkish Sultanate, gave the Sultan a title to him and the crown prince. Thus he was the first Islamic King in the archipelago to officially use the title of Sultan.

He is also a pious scholar of Ulama and an expert in the field of Sufism. He left a paper entitled Insan Kamil

On March 10, 1651 he died and was buried at Kenari Cemetery in Banten

The fifth period of the King / Sultan of Banten

In 1636, Sharif of Mecca at

The Story of the Origin behind the Kapal Bosok Ship Mosque

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The ship-shaped mosque in Serang is unique. But the story behind it is also no less unique, namely the story of Ki Anga Derpa in expelling the Dutch colonizers.

Approximately for 4 years to 17 santri pesantren Darul Salam build a ship-shaped mosque in Drangong Neighborhood, Curugmanis Village, Serang City. They built a mosque, he said based on the story of the existence of a decaying ship in the village. Be Bosok Kapok Mosque which means a decaying ship mosque.

Ahmad Almawardi, public relations official of the mosque tells the story around the 16th century there is a Dutch colonist who leaned on the port of Karangantu, Serang. They want to colonize and retrieve Banten documents and assets.

Because they did not accept the Dutch treatment, a man named Ki Angga Derpa wanted to save the documents and the property.

"Ki Angga nyabut banyan, inside there is a shell of contents 2 tigers, the lion and the females that there is a small child.Brought banyan to the colonizing colonies of the people.Once dittar, tigers out.Reading Dutch," said Ahmad told seriously about Bosok Bosque Mosque , Serang City, Monday (7/8/2017).

Angry, the Dutch then sought Ki Anga Derpa. In searching and then found in the village of Aon which is now called the Drangong Environment. Arrested and then convicted on board. After being punished, the Dutch left Ki Anga Derpa in the ship with documents and so on.

Long story short, the ship was then carried water to the waterfall area which is located far from the coast. Ki Anga Derpa then took the whip and hit the ship.

"The ship is whipped, the ship, sira whipped the salawase bolt (ship, you whipped rotten forever)," said Ahmad mimics the story which he said was passed down hereditary.

The Dutch thought he had been looking for a ship that was lost carrying sea water with Ki Angga Derpa. But according to Ahmad they did not find the ship.

When asked for evidence of an inscription that justifies the story, according to Ahmad, the santri who build Bosok Bosque Mosque found many rocks in the sea around the mosque.

In addition there are iron and objects that he called platok abandoned ship the story.

"Please dig there only coral and iron crackers There is a platoon of ships," he said, pointing in a direction.

In the vicinity of the mosque itself, there is a tomb of Sheikh Abdullah Angga Derpa Bosok Ship. In the tomb there is a text of the genealogy about it from the Prophet Adam, the Prophet Muhammad to the number 83 Sheikh Abdullah Angga Derpa.

Ketua MUI Minta Jangan Gunakan Nama Muslim untuk Sebar Hoax

Ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Ma'ruf Amin menyesalkan penyebar berita palsu atau tipuan sindikat Cyber Cyber Muslim (MCA) dengan menggunakan nama Muslim.

"Ya tentu saja tidak (menggunakan nama muslim), jangan gunakan nama muslim dan yang penting jangan tipuan agar negara ini aman," kata Ma'ruf Amin di kompleks Istana Negara, Jakarta, Rabu ( 28/2/2018).

Menurutnya, negara Indonesia harus dijaga agar seluruh rakyat tetap terjaga agar bangsa tetap terjaga, sehingga pemalsuan tipuan harus diproses karena telah menimbulkan keributan.

"Ini bisa terjadi konflik oleh karena itu pihak kepolisian tidak usah ragu, dimana saja harus diproses," ucap Ma'ruf Amin.

Sebelumnya, penyidik Direktorat Kejahatan Pidana Polisi Pidana Polri menahan sejumlah orang terkait kasus penyebaran berita palsu alias tipuan dan ucapan kebencian alias ucapan kebencian. Mereka diindikasikan untuk bergabung dengan grup Cyber Army (MCA).

Kepala Biro Informasi Publik Kepala Divisi Humas Polri Brigadir Jenderal Mohammad Iqbal mengatakan pihaknya terus mengejar dalang dibalik penyebaran kebohongan dan ucapan kebencian. Padahal, Polri memburu pelaku yang dicurigai ke Korea Selatan.

"Tim sudah bergerak juga melakukan pengembangan. Ada satu tersangka yang sudah kita kejar, tidak di Indonesia. Benar (Korsel) salah satunya," ujar Iqbal di Mabes Polri.

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