The Story of the Origin behind the Kapal Bosok Ship Mosque

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The ship-shaped mosque in Serang is unique. But the story behind it is also no less unique, namely the story of Ki Anga Derpa in expelling the Dutch colonizers.

Approximately for 4 years to 17 santri pesantren Darul Salam build a ship-shaped mosque in Drangong Neighborhood, Curugmanis Village, Serang City. They built a mosque, he said based on the story of the existence of a decaying ship in the village. Be Bosok Kapok Mosque which means a decaying ship mosque.

Ahmad Almawardi, public relations official of the mosque tells the story around the 16th century there is a Dutch colonist who leaned on the port of Karangantu, Serang. They want to colonize and retrieve Banten documents and assets.

Because they did not accept the Dutch treatment, a man named Ki Angga Derpa wanted to save the documents and the property.

"Ki Angga nyabut banyan, inside there is a shell of contents 2 tigers, the lion and the females that there is a small child.Brought banyan to the colonizing colonies of the people.Once dittar, tigers out.Reading Dutch," said Ahmad told seriously about Bosok Bosque Mosque , Serang City, Monday (7/8/2017).

Angry, the Dutch then sought Ki Anga Derpa. In searching and then found in the village of Aon which is now called the Drangong Environment. Arrested and then convicted on board. After being punished, the Dutch left Ki Anga Derpa in the ship with documents and so on.

Long story short, the ship was then carried water to the waterfall area which is located far from the coast. Ki Anga Derpa then took the whip and hit the ship.

"The ship is whipped, the ship, sira whipped the salawase bolt (ship, you whipped rotten forever)," said Ahmad mimics the story which he said was passed down hereditary.

The Dutch thought he had been looking for a ship that was lost carrying sea water with Ki Angga Derpa. But according to Ahmad they did not find the ship.

When asked for evidence of an inscription that justifies the story, according to Ahmad, the santri who build Bosok Bosque Mosque found many rocks in the sea around the mosque.

In addition there are iron and objects that he called platok abandoned ship the story.

"Please dig there only coral and iron crackers There is a platoon of ships," he said, pointing in a direction.

In the vicinity of the mosque itself, there is a tomb of Sheikh Abdullah Angga Derpa Bosok Ship. In the tomb there is a text of the genealogy about it from the Prophet Adam, the Prophet Muhammad to the number 83 Sheikh Abdullah Angga Derpa.

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